Thursday, 18 September 2014

Gardening 4 Kids

Earlier this weekI had the absolute pleasure of spending a few hours with a long time friend of mine and her adorable kiddies! In essence we had a little play date! The kids had fun playing and we had fun catching up!

This sweet friend of mine lives on a property of acres and in many ways is becoming more and more self sufficient. She has a thriving veggie garden and a bunch of chooks that provide her with fresh eggs daily. She has been growing some tomato seedlings in her mini green house and was kind enough to give me a few. She always has great tips and has such a green thumb!
You can learn more about her gardening expeditions and get some useful tips on her cute blog Needless to say after visiting with her I felt extremely motivated and inspired to get into my own little patch which is exactly what I did this breezy Spring afternoon! 

Some time ago I got my veggie garden up and running (a long time wish of mine since we turfed our yard!). I thoroughly enjoy the short moments I spend pottering around with my little man by my side always helping wherever he can :) but I also revel in the fresh produce we receive! I simply love popping out to my garden and picking vegies for our meals and knowing I am feeding my little family wholesome, organic, homegrown produce is such a satisfying feeling!

I find spending time in the garden (if only even for a few short moments!) to be so therapeutic and peaceful and as a teacher I cannot stress enough how important it is for kids to get outside and play the ol' fashion way! 
Children these days just don't seem to spend the same amount of time in the great outdoors as we once did growing up. Being outside just playing, kicking a ball, getting dirty and running around is fantastic for the overall development of our kids emotionally, physically and mentally.

Sometimes it easy as adults to get caught up in the day to day runnings of life - needing to make dinner, putting a load of washing on, cleaning, finishing off bookwork or programming just to name a few.
I have always been big on taking time out and being 'fully present' with my students when they are engaging in a hands on learning experience, not only do they get so much more out of the experience but quite often I do too! Since becoming a mother myself I am even more aware of just how important it is to do this as our little ones grow up far too quickly and time is gone before we realise it! Time is of the essence as they say :)

So with all that said and done, today my goal was to revel in the outdoor fun with my little man :) I encourage you to do the same some time this afternoon. Whether it be now while the kids are home from school outside playing, during bath time or even reading a book together before really doesn't matter when it just matters that you stopped for even a few minutes and take the time to be 'fully present' won't get these years back.

My little patch :) 
Broccoli on the right with shallots and celery in the middle and far too many carrots on the left (which I need to thin out again!) A few other veggies in between which are hard to see....need another little garden bed this summer time!

So proud of my little broccoli plants...they have really taken off the last two weeks!


My tomato much pressure to make these little guys survive knowing they were grown and gifted especially for me! Haha

My favourite garden accessory at the little wind chime. LOVE hearing it chime in the late afternoon as the sun is coming down and the afternoon is setting in.....makes everything seem so peaceful :) Next on my list is a bird feeder!

In his element....outside playing in the garden!

Stay tuned for an updated Gardening 4 Kids post.....a how to on getting children outdoors and interested in gardening! In the mean time check out and follow my Pinterest page to get some great gardening ideas just 4 kids!

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