Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Back To School

Happy 2015!!!! I hope you all had a magical Christmas and New Year break with your loved ones. We have taken some much needed time away as a family and I have come back feeling refreshed and re-energised to get back into things!

Many of you are sending little ones off to BIG school over the next few days and for some of you it may be bitter sweet in that you may have more time to yourself without a little one wanting your constant attention but bitter in that it means your baby is growing up and it is time to start letting go. I for one, get teary just thinking about the day I need to send my little man off to school and he is not even two yet! Lord, give me strength when the time comes!!! I am going to be one big mess :/

I cannot tell you how many times these holidays I have heard parents around the shops telling people 'Oh I can't wait for school to return!' or 'I am counting down the sleeps until they are back at school'.....While they have long faces, I chuckle to myself. Many parents are struggling for 6 weeks, thats only a fraction of what teachers deal with day in day out 10-12 weeks at a time but multiply that by 20-30 students at a time! In saying that I know that many of these same parents do treasure the holiday time with their children, doing activities that they normally wouldn't do, making memories to last a lifetime.

From a teachers perspective back to school means so so much....it means starting fresh, decorating your classroom, getting to know 20-30 odd students and all about their strengths and weaknesses and quirks! It means getting back into the rhythm, planning, programming, implementing, reporting just to name a few. It means starting a new little classroom family and growing and learning together :)

From a mother's perspective, my heart aches. It aches for those first time mammas sending their first born, second or last born off to school for their first day of kindergarten....some days when things at home are not so easy us mammas can't wait until our little one starts school but when that day comes it is hard beyond words to explain how much your heart hurts.
That little person you have nurtured, protected, nourished, soothed and loved to pieces is now a little independent kindergarten in a BIG school uniform with a school bag as big as them starting their very first day. As a mamma you pray for so many different things for your little one about to enter a different chapter in life.

So, here is a prayer to help all those mammas out there who have a little one starting BIG school, a new school, high school or simply just starting another new year at school.....the words to this prayer are perfectly written, they made me cry and most importantly touched my heart. Thinking of all you mammas out there xx

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